Common Use Self Service (CUSS), Common Use Bag Drop (CUBD) and Automated Biometric Identification System (Biometrics) at Phuket International Airport

Phuket International Airport provides self-check-in kiosks, self bag drop kiosks and facial registration for passengers at Domestic and International Departure Hall. The use of kiosks is aimed at enhancing service efficiency and facilitating passengers to use airport services with convenience, rapidity and safety with just a few simple steps.

Steps for Using Common Use Self Service (CUSS) and Facial registration (Biometrics)

1. Select :

  • Select Airline
  • Select if you don’t have dangerous goods on board 
  • Select Flight Number
  • Select Booking Number
  • Select the seat 
  • Select if you have baggage to check in 
  • Select if you want to facial registration 

2.  Print :

  • Boarding Pass
  • Bag Tag (If checking baggage)

3. Scan :

  • Boarding Pass
  • National ID card or Passport
  • Facial scan for use at security checkpoints and Boarding Gate


Steps for Using Common Use Bag Drop (CUBD)

1.  Attach the baggage tag according to instructions provided.

2. Confirm if you don’t have dangerous goods. 

3. Scan Boarding Pass

4. Place the baggage on the scale and scan it into the system.


CUSS Locations 

Domestic Departure Hall on the second Floor : 30 machines  

1.  In front of entrance No.1,  Domestic Departure Hall : 3 machines 

2.  In front of entrance No.2,  Domestic Departure Hall : 15 machines 

3.  In front of entrance No.3,  Domestic Departure Hall : 12 machines 

International Departure Hall on the third Floor :  50 machines  

1.  In front of counter check-in row A (A01) : 7 machines 

2.  Counter check-in between row B and C : 12 machines 

3.  Counter check-in between row D and E : 12 machines 

4.  Counter check-in between row F and G : 12 machines 

5.  In front of counter check-in row H (H01) : 7 machines 


CUBD Locations 

Domestic Departure Hall on the second Floor : 9 machines  

1.  In front of Counter check-in No.21-22 : 2 machines

2.  In front of Counter check-in No.23 : 1 machines 

3.  In front of Counter check-in No.37-39 : 3 machines 

4.  In front of Counter check-in No.53-55 : 3 machines 

International Departure Hall on the third Floor : 16 machines  

Counter check-in number 2 and 3 in each row (Row A-H) : 16 machines  

A blue and white checklist with different airlines

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A list of airline logos

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