Importing Human Remains or Ashes

Bringing corpses/human ash into Thailand  
Bringing corpses or human ash into Thailand does not require submitting an Import Declaration Form or Special Declaration Form. The Customs procedure involved is listed below: 

  1. Importers present the following documents to Customs officers: 

    • The passport of a deceased person 

    • Air Waybill, original or photocopy 

    • The death certificate issued by the Royal Thai Embassy or Consulate in the country in which the person passed away 

    • Other related documents such as a letter confirming death issued by a hospital and a death certificate issued by a local authority in which the person passed away 

  2. Customs officers release the corpses and human ash (and keep record of the release) with the importer signing in the pick-up document. 

Bringing corpses/human ash out of Thailand 

To facilitate the customs clearance process for the export of remains or ashes, the relatives/exporter must prepare the necessary documents to present to customs officials. It is not required to prepare an export declaration form.

  1. The exporter must present original documents and two copies of each as follows:
    • Original and Copies of the Death Certificate: A death certificate issued by the hospital where the deceased was treated. (In cases of death occurring elsewhere, the incident must be reported to the local police where the death occurred for verification before obtaining the death certificate and the certificate of death.)
    • Original and Copies of the Death Certificate: Issued by the local police station where the death occurred or a death certificate certified by the relevant authorities in Thailand (such as the district office of the locality where the death occurred).
    • Original and Copies of the Passport.
    • Original and Copies of the Certificate for the Return of Remains/Ashes: Issued by the embassy of the destination country.
    • Original and Copies of the Air Waybill.
    • Bill of Lading for Air Transportation.
  2. The exporter must submit the documents mentioned in item 1 to the customs officer at the customs service unit at the release port to account for the goods in the air transportation bill and proceed with the clearance.
  3. The exporter must record the details of the remains/ashes in the customs control registration ledger.

Last update : October 8, 2018 

Source : 

Customs Care Center : The Customs Department, 1, Suntorn Kosa Road, Klong Toey, Bangkok, 10110 
Fax : +66-2667-7767 
E-mail : 
Call Center : 1164 

For more information please contact. : Phuket Airport Passenger Control Customs Office 222 Moo 6, Mai Khao Subdistrict, Thalang District, Phuket 83110 

Telephone number : 02-667-7000 (24-5904)